Here is a cool little fire breather.  A ton of gain.  Single 6V6. 5W max and has a WATTS control which brings the max power down to less than a watt.  Single channel, footswitchable boost.  No loop – I don’t recommend loops on low power amps as you would be putting your delay/reverb in the undesirable position before the distortion generating stage.

Bad Lieutenant 22

The Bad Lieutenant is a 22W 6V6 amp with the H channel inspired by the Xpress Kelly ’90 amp.  Related to the Audie Faye, this is a channel switcher and and the L channel F-style is Blackface/Twin AB763 cleans.  As with all my amps, feedback level is tweaked by ear.  The boost switch partially bypasses the tonestack for a mid gain.  Has a loop.

Corona 22

The Corona 22 is pretty straightforward – F-style Blackface/Twin AB763 with a pair of 6V6’s in the output stage.  Does not get flubby!  Has a loop.  As with all my amps, heater voltage is tweaked (many amps could use that!) and is floating about 40VDC above ground to make it quieter.  The main audio path is point-to-point and components are placed in the best possible position. 

Uxbridge 45

Another custom build. Pair of KT66 output tubes for about 45W.  Bassman/Jay Tee Em type amp but with an loop and a master volume.  8 and 16 ohm speaker connections.  Feedback level tweaked by ear.  A serious amp!


A KT66 mid gain amp with about 30 watts output.  F-style Corona but with a little Bassman feel in there too.  Post phase inverter master volume.  Bright is located around the regular master volume and is the perfect place for an amp with this gain structure.  Has a loop. 

Chameleon 18

A custom build.  18W from a pair of EL84’s.  The Chameleon is a Corona.  Loop included.  It has a 6 position mid control which bypasses the tonestack as you turn it up.  Heater voltage tweaked.  AB763/Twin type circuit.  You can get some good grind from the Chameleon as EL84’s are very easy to drive.  Nice and simple.   

Selina 22

Selina is a 22W 6V6 amp with the H channel inspired by the Xpress Kelly ’90 amp.  Related to the Bad Lieutenant and Audie Faye, this is a channel switcher and and the L channel F-style is Blackface/Twin AB763 cleans.  Has a loop.  As with all my amps, feedback level is tweaked by ear.  The boost switch partially bypasses the tonestack for a mid gain. 

Clydetone 50

Clydetone 50 – pair of EL34’s in output stage for about 50W.  The H channel is the AFD and the L channel is Corona.  I spent a TON of time at the metroamp forum many years ago and learned a lot.  My AFD got it’s beginnings there and this one resembles the version called Darkbluemurder #39 according to my notes.  This was a custom build.  He sourced his own head cab. 

Novadrive 22

From 2016.  This is an early version of the Harem, a terrific OD amp.  Pair of 6V6’s in the output stage.  Has a loop with proper signal level. 

Duophonic MV

This is a 22W 6V6 channel switcher.  H channel is my Asheville (based on the SLO100 but refined) and the L channel is a modded, cranked Plexi type sound with a ton of crunch.  This one has a Sourmash head cab.  Fantastic amp!

Mad King

Single EL34 in the output stage results in max output of about 10-12W depending on how you want to measure it.  There is a watts control that can bring the output down to less than a watt.  2 channels, each with their own H and L inputs.  Daisycutter high gain channel and 1987X (M Plexi) mid gain channel.  Overall a stunning success. 


According to my notes I have “pretty much perfect” written on the schematic. This is a channel switcher and has a pair of 6L6’s in the output stage for about 35W.  The H channel is my Asheville circuit and the L channel is my Corona.  Has a loop. 8 and 16 ohm speaker outputs.  As with almost my amps it uses a quiet and efficient toroidal power transformer. 

Tonebox 30

Single channel clean amp, pair of EL34’s in the output stage for about 30W output.  Is essentially a Corona (Blackface/Twin) and has a loop.  As with all my amps, heater voltage is tweaked (many amps could use that!) and is floating about 40VDC above ground to make it quieter. The main audio path is point-to-point and components are placed in the best possible position.


Another Asheville and Pasadena combination.  50W from a pair of EL34’s.  One input and channels can be run at the same time – blend to your heart’s content.  Critical signal path is point-to-point.  Individual bias pots for critical DC balance in the output transformer.  Tweaked feedback.  Sourmash head cab.

SE 2204 EL34

Another custom build.  Customer wanted a JCM/2204 type tone but with a single EL34 in the output stage.  I also suggested the Bright control and nixing the L input of the original.  The final result was wonderful.  There is a power control that will bring the wattage down to less a watt.  Approx 10W max.