The M800+ has been one of my most popular models over the past 6 months.  What is heart of the M800+?  JCM.
The Pasadena, SIBLY, and M50X, should all be considered precursors to the M800+
The M800+ is truly world class.  What are the output stage options? You can have:
Pair of EL84’s for about 18W (typically)
Pair of 6V6’s for about 20W
Pair of EL34’s for about 24W (lower B+)
Pair of EL34’s for about 38W (medium B+)
Pair of EL34’s for about 50W (higher B+)
4XEL34’s for about 100W –  is is the Doxy pictured above which was a custom build.
Have not done any M800+ amps with 6L6’s but I am sure they would work well.
The core tone IMO should be Push-Pull fixed bias – but with whichever power output you desire.  Most EL84 amps are cathode bias – well fixed bias is BETTER, saves the tubes and is more punchy sounding.  

The 3 position switch allows you to go from JCM type base tone to Friedman-esque gain levels (I know the Friedman amps well).

An effects loop is an option on the M800+ if you need one.


The above pic shows the effect of the 2nd gain control.  This is area between the 2nd and 3rd gain stage. The lower red response shows the JCM type which would be considered the starting point.  There is a bump in gain maxing at about + 17db.  Perfect IMO.  But notice the frequency response.  You can’t just willy-nilly add gain, it has to be tailored!  The frequency extremes get very little bump in gain.  You want the bump to be in the GUITAR’S range, not in the sub 200hz area which will make the tone flubby and ill-defined nor in the 5khz+ area as that just doesn’t sound great.  Guitar speakers above 5K at high levels are pretty nasty.


Here is a comment from an M-Class customer, this one a 6V6 version:

“The 822+ is by far my all time favorite amp. It has beaten out some hefty competition since I’ve received it. I even tried Ceriatones 2202. Sure it was pretty, but the 822+ had a better noise floor, better master volume, better low volume tone, and just a more authentic feel and tone. I just felt I should let you know how incredibly happy I am with the 822+”


Going forward I think I will make the depth control optional – because in all the amps I have built and had it, I NEVER have used it.  It is not something that is needed IMO, but if you want one – no problem. 

The stock M-CLASS M800+ does not have an effects loop, like a regular JCM.  However, I can add a loop if you need to insert some time-based effects after the distortion area.

The M-Class has a very useful bright control and feedback level has been optimized for best tone.  It’s funny how in M-style amps that a many decades have wildly varying amounts of feedback.


Here is a comment from a 20W M800+ purchaser:

“This amp is a beast. I’m getting the best mean thrash tones I’ve ever had. Cleans up very nicely too! Doesnt hurt I’m running it alongside a Phaez M87x for a stereo setup. Unreal tone.”


A comment from a purchaser of the 50W M800+: “It is absolutely killer, I get compliments on it all the time. Thanks Randy”


18W from a pair of EL84’s.  US$795  plus shipping (which I will collect from you after I ship).  Superb clean tones with the gains back and master up.  The crunch is awesome in mid gain area, and wonderful modded M tones with gains up.  Better than a Friedman Pink Taco.  Gorgeous!  Sozo coupling caps.  Nice bonus gift will be included. 


33W from a pair of EL34’s.  US$845  plus shipping (which I will collect from you after I ship).  Superb clean tones with the gains back and master up.  The crunch is awesome in mid gain area, and wonderful modded M tones with gains up.  Will do a comparison to the Friedman Small Box Custom one of these days.  Gorgeous!  Sozo coupling caps.  Special bonus will be included. 


38W from a pair of EL34’s.  ON SALE for US$799  plus shipping (which I will collect from you after I ship).  Superb clean tones with the gains back and master up.  The crunch is awesome in mid gain area, and wonderful modded M tones with gains up.  Will do a comparison to the Friedman Small Box Custom one of these days. 

18W from a pair of EL84’s.  Superb clean tones with the gains back and master up.  The crunch is awesome in mid gain area, and wonderful modded M tones with gains up.  Nice compact cab measures about 17″x9″x9″.  I will do a comparison to the Friedman Pink Taco one of these days.   YES IT IS BETTER THAN THE PT!  A NEW ONE IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION – IF YOU WANT IT CLICK THE PP DEPOSIT BUTTON.  New one will have an effects loop.