This is just a small sampling of customer comments. 

Re: Custom 18W Asheville “I originally bought a Phaez SIBLY on a resale site and was super impressed. This led me to the Phaez website and knew I had to have something custom made. I reached out to Randy, he got working on an amp to my specifications, and the entire process was absolutely great. The turnaround was quick and I have a custom amp I am delighted with”

Re:  Phaez Brown Sound Pedals “I’ve finally had a chance to mess around with them a little bit this week. I tell you, if I’d have just gotten the BS3.1 I would have been very happy. It sounds great and if I keep the gain below about 1:00 (depending on the guitar) it has a good brown sound to it. When it gets above that on the gain, it seems to get “smoother” and reminds me of my Wampler Pantheon – even though that is supposedly based off a different circuit. To my ears, there is a similar gain feel going on with both pedals even though I didn’t do a back-to-back comparison – just going from memory.

But, man oh man, the Akimbo just flat out rocks! It has a great “bark” and openness to it and sounds awesome no matter where I set the gain. I also like the tone circuit on the Akimbo a little bit better – to me it just has a little more high end to it that sounds better through my rig.”  -EC

SUNSET (22W 6V6 amp, DNA from the Bogner Ecstasy)  “Got the box, unwrapped it, installed the tubes, plugged it in, turned it on and put the settings to the magical Phaez setting (B6/T6/M4.5/gain on 6), waited a few minutes to make sure tubes were good and warm, grabbed my Flying V with super distortions, turned off standby and raised volume to about 4. Dead quiet, as usual with Phaez amps. Raised volume on my guitar and hit a G chord. “HOLY SHIT!!!” Was my exact and honest response. Why this is not a standard on Randy’s lineup is beyond me.”  – JS

DUOPHONIC EL34 “Just used this beauty in the recording studio this weekend in Winnipeg. I started by using a Mesa F30, but the engineer suggested I try using the Duophonic instead and it came out great. Used the blackface channel cranked for most rhythm work  and the AFD channel plugged into a 412 Marshall cabinet for lead and heavier songs“

“Phaez amps are robust, articulate, responsive, and LOUD.  I’ve never been disappointed & I still recommend Phaez Amps, as many others do.” – Deftone1971

“I can tell you this:  The sweet spot on a Daisycutter sounds very similar to a Friedman Small Blax on CH 1 with the gain dimed.  Highly recommended.”
– Duane @ MyLesPaul

“I have a Phaez M50X, it’s a Friedman Small Box based Head with a boost.  With this Phaez I’m often just going, guitar, cord, amp”

SWORDFISH pedal “I came to pickup a Savage which was excellent, but the Swordfish just made my jaw drop even more.  I have about 50 distortion/OD pedals and the Swordfish is now #1 (Savage #2 Thanks for the deal!)”


“Love both of mine. Been using them since about 2011. While hosting the jam sessions guests would come in and play and later say they would have to get one. Great amps and real workhorses. Never had any issues. Thanks”


RE:  Plexi type SL100. “I just got an attenuator (webermass 200) so now i can turn up the power on the plexi clone you made me and still play inside. 
 Yeah… this is a good amp.
 I ran it head to head with my superlead yesterday, both at 4-5 with channels jumped. This amp is prettier sounding and less icepick than the marshall. Sounds better and i prefer it.  
As long as i can use an attenuator, the only one of my rock amps i would grab before it is my full size 800 
Thanks again. Great job”
RE:  Octopus pedal:  Hello Randy, just received the pedal today and I’m blown away by the sound and quality, on my fender pro junior. You’re very amazing with your création and I would consider to buy you an amp…wow! Take care”
“I have a 25 watt, 2- 6V6 Daisycutter, 1-12 combo that screams, clean or dirty. Never heard anything else like it, and wouldn’t part with it, period. It is an absolutely great amp.”  – JB