Kyoka 50W

The Kyoka is related to the 2 channel AFD but there is a shared tonestack post loop, versus individual tonestacks in the AFD.  The is a 50 watter with a pair of EL34’s in the output stage.  As with all my amps, feedback level has been tweaked.  Depth does to the low end what presence does to the high end.  Classic M crunch in the L channel and the H channel is capable of really high gain. 

Fidget 18

Another custom build of a Pasadena.  Shrunk to as small as possible.  18W from a pair of EL84’s in fixed bias.  Has a loop.  I have mentioned EL84’s sound superb with fixed bias, nothing like the compressed sound of an AC30.  But the other thing I want to mention about my EL84 amps is I apply the proper amount of feedback.  Collapses nicely when overdrive, and the frequency does not follow the speaker impedance so much as EL84’s being pentodes have very high source impedance with no feedback. 

Michele (Deluxe)

Another custom build of a 5E3.  Critical signal path is point-to-point.  Only main change from the original is SS rectification.  The only thing a tube recto adds is some power supply resistance, which is needed because you have to limit the amount of PS capacitance.  

Jumble 50

From 2015.  The Jumble is channel switcher with 2 high gain channels – a Jube and a Harem (which is based on the D HRM and rhymes with the name of this amp).  50W from a pair of 6L6GC output tubes. 

Duophonic EL34

This one uses a pair of EL34’s in the output stage and should last a long long time.  It is a channel switcher and the H channel is my AFD, the L channel is my Corona (AB763/Twin).  Two world class channels, and integrating them is simple and seamless.  Has a loop (proper level)

JS1994X 18W

A custom build and was going to be only used at home.  This might be the standard for EL84 amps.  Similar to the Pasadena.  Has Bright, Presence, depth.  High gain similar to my H AFD.  Tonestack is post-loop.  Tweaked heater voltage.  Tweaked feedback. Fixed bias makes it sound huge. I should note too that my SIBLY has morphed into the Pasadena.

The Angry Jay 50W

The Angry Jay is a 50 watter with a pair of EL34’s in output section.  This is a channel switcher and the H channel is my Jube (based on the M2555X but cleaned up) and the L channel is my Corona (F-style Blackface/Twin).  High and Sparkling Cleans, what more could you ask for?  Has a loop with it’s level set so it will not overdrive 9V pedals (many amps have too high a send level).  Feedback tweaked. 

Perkinator 50

A custom build.  A pair of EL34’s in the output stage provide 50W.  This is a channel switcher with the A channel being the Asheville (DNA from a SLO100) and the P channel signifying Mid M crunch from a Plexi type amp.  Feedback tweaked.  Shared tonestack, certainly not an issue for me!

Boar 22

The Boar is a 22W 6V6 amp and Bassman but with a loop and master volume.  Really high end output transformer on this one, imported from Europe.  As with all my amps, feedback level is tweaked by ear.  That vinyl tweed was not pleasant to work with. 

Roxanna 5W

I really love the look of this amp.  The Roxanna is essentially a 5W Atticus meaning it has my Phaez H OD channel (somewhat related to the Asheville and Daisycutter) and a clean Corona Blackface/Twin channel.  This is a channel switcher.   I even added F/M style Hi and Lo inputs.  The output section is a single 6V6 and power output is around 5W give or take.  And what is different about this single-ended amp is that there is negative feedback – a good thing. 

Sweet Shirley

A custom build.  Bassman-eque but has loop and master volume.  4 x 6V6 output section for over 40W of output.  Custom toroidal output transformer from Europe.  Feedback tweaked.  4 and 8 ohm speaker outputs.  Perfect heater voltage @ 6.3VAC

Reuben Kincaid

A build for a local player.  The Reuben Kincaid gets it DNA from a Friedman Small Box (Custom).  This is a 50W amp with a pair of EL34’s in the output section.  Broadly similar to my M50X.  Which is hot-rodded M sound all the way.  You know a JCM800/2204 does NOT have a lot of gain.  This one has tons!

Power Train 40

We have at least 3 Friedman amps hanging around and this Power Train gets it’s DNA from the Pink Taco but with EL34’s (run a bit conservatively).  The Custom Small Box was also used as a reference.  Has a loop.  Like the Reuben Kincaid, this is hot rodded M style sound all the way. 

Pasadena 18

Pasadena is the hometown of EVH and the best tube choice that captures the essence of Van Halen’s first album is a pair of EL84’s in fixed bias in my not so humble opinion. Certainy loud enough to gig with. This one is more recent and has Bright, Presence, and Depth controls added.  It does have a loop.  Also, there is the proper amount of feedback applied.  Better than a Friedman Pink Taco (we have one). Very, very touch responsive.

SL100 (1959)

This was a custom build for guy who lived in a rural setting with no neighbours.  100W from 4 x EL34.  It is a M-style 1959 circuit.  Yes it is a bit loud.  No master volume.  A lot of fun.